Find Speech Therapists specializing in Literacy

Looking for Literacy specialists? We've compiled a list of certified speech therapists registered in every state. Want to find someone quicker? Use the filter to find a specialist that serves your region and age.

Beatrice Zdorovyak

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Bilingualism; Childhood Language Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Oral Myofunctional Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Shannon Hulliberger

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Brain Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Dysarthria; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Swallowing Disorders; Voice Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Candice Greene

New York
Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Aphasia; Aural Rehabilitation; Autism; Bilingualism; Brain Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cleft Palate; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Dementia; Developmental Disorders; Dysarthria; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Swallowing Disorders; Voice Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Kate Brownstein

Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Accent Modification; Aphasia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Bilingualism; Brain Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Corporate Communication Enhancement; Dementia; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Resonance Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Transgender Voice; Voice Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Aaron Allsop-Hofmeister

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Vivienne Finche

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Bilingualism; Brain Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cleft Palate; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Dysarthria; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Resonance Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Alexa Kelly

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Accent Modification; Aphasia; Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Brain Disorders; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cleft Palate; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Corporate Communication Enhancement; Developmental Disorders; Dysarthria; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Oral Myofunctional Disorders; Resonance Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Transgender Voice; Traumatic Brain Injury; Voice Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Sullivan Kiley

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Bilingualism; Brain Disorders; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cleft Palate; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Dysarthria; Early Intervention; Fluency; Hearing Assistive Technology Systems; Hearing Loss Early Intervention; Literacy; Oral Myofunctional Disorders; Resonance Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Swallowing Disorders; Traumatic Brain Injury
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Ellen Mattingly

Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Accent Modification; Aphasia; Apraxia; Audiologic Rehabilitation; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Aural Rehabilitation; Autism; Bilingualism; Brain Disorders; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cleft Palate; Cochlear Implants Programming; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Corporate Communication Enhancement; Dementia; Developmental Disorders; Dysarthria; Early Intervention; Fluency; Hearing Loss Early Intervention; Laryngectomy; Literacy; Oral Myofunctional Disorders; Resonance Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Swallowing Disorders; Transgender Voice; Traumatic Brain Injury; Voice Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Racheal Berry

Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Audiologic Rehabilitation; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Aural Rehabilitation; Autism; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cleft Palate; Early Intervention; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Ellen Franken

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Anya Darling

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Autism; Brain Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Christine Moore

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Autism; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Oral Myofunctional Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Monica Nourmand

New York
Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Resonance Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Voice Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Serena Mueller

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Aphasia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Kathleen McDonough

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Tiniyja Burney

Ages Supported
School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Mia Martin

North Carolina
Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Aphasia; Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Dementia; Developmental Disorders; Dysarthria; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Traumatic Brain Injury
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Aimee Pharr

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Childhood Language Disorders; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Paula Pineda

New York
Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Autism; Bilingualism; Childhood Language Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Swallowing Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Nancy Colantino

Ages Supported
School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders; Central Auditory Processing Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Lauren Fardig

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Aphasia; Apraxia; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Pamela Beaumont

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Katharine Mitchell

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Corporate Communication Enhancement; Developmental Disorders; Dysarthria; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Oral Myofunctional Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Rebecca Vilsaint

South Carolina
Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Rachel Guidry

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Diane Meyer

Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Aphasia; Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cleft Palate; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Swallowing Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Amberly Wegener

Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Cleft Palate; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Early Intervention; Hearing Loss Early Intervention; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Swallowing Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Lorain Wankoff

New York
Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Aphasia; Apraxia; Childhood Language Disorders; Corporate Communication Enhancement; Dysarthria; Early Intervention; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Melissa Ogilvie

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Accent Modification; Aphasia; Apraxia; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Brain Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Developmental Disorders; Dysarthria; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Traumatic Brain Injury
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Mary Cotton

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Early Intervention; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Chelsea N Paulus

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Patricia A Van Slyke

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Learning disabilities; Speech Sound Disorders; Early Intervention; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Valeri J Scheps

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders; Voice Disorders; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Kristina M Bohn

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jaclyn A Carter

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Early Intervention
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Erin M Jodie

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Bilingualism; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jennifer R Herklotz

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Oral myofunctional disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Childhood Language Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Simone Frame

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Childhood Language Disorders; Voice Disorders; Early Intervention; Autism; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jennifer J J Schubring

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jordan J Ruiz

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Autism; Speech Sound Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Christina L Corso

West Virginia
Ages Supported
Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Early Intervention; Literacy; Swallowing Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jaimee Rachelle Szymanski

West Virginia
Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Learning disabilities; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Michele A Spencer

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Central Auditory processing disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Apraxia; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Autism; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Alice T San Martino

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Meredith L Atkins

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Learning disabilities; Literacy; Childhood Language Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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SuAn M Barnhart

Ages Supported
School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Childhood Language Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Learning disabilities; Cognitive-Communication Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Daelene F King

Ages Supported
School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Learning disabilities; Childhood Language Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Deanna M McCabe

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Speech Sound Disorders; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Christine S Buchanan

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Apraxia; Early Intervention
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Rachel L May

Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers
Speech Therapy Services
Speech Sound Disorders; Aphasia; Early Intervention; Swallowing Disorders; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Wendy J Popa

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Developmental disorders; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Literacy; Learning disabilities; Childhood Language Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Sarah D Triebwasser

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Autism; Early Intervention; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Rachel E Chao

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Learning disabilities; Literacy; Childhood Language Disorders; Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Central Auditory Processing Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Minette A Stewart

Ages Supported
School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Developmental disorders; Learning disabilities; Literacy; Childhood Language Disorders; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Amy M Petek

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Speech Sound Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Leslie A Crossan

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jessica Leigh Bullock

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Danielle M Barber

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Learning disabilities; Childhood Language Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Autism; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jasmin W. Wang

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Social Communication Disorders; Developmental disorders; Bilingualism; Literacy; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Wendy L Nelson

Ages Supported
School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Accent Modification; Learning disabilities; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Rachel Elizabeth Crum

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Christy M Bisconer

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Speech Sound Disorders; Fluency; Childhood Language Disorders; Aphasia; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Maryann P Kaminsky

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Accent Modification; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Joann R Cullop

Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Apraxia; Developmental disorders; Autism; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Laura Wahl McAlpine

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Learning disabilities; Speech Sound Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Social Communication Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Susan M Danker

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Fluency; Developmental disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Literacy; Central Auditory Processing Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Katherine E Ideker

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Early Intervention; Speech Sound Disorders; Developmental disorders; Childhood Language Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Kim S Thompson Hiday

Ages Supported
Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Swallowing Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Elisabeth Ann Graham

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Andrea Pollack

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Literacy; Learning disabilities
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Alison L Acker

Ages Supported
School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Social Communication Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Developmental disorders; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Sarah K Shreckhise

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Developmental disorders; Early Intervention; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Kristin B Keller

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Literacy; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Dodi R Allen

Ages Supported
School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Autism; Learning disabilities; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Katherine M Baker

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Speech Sound Disorders; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Learning disabilities; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Pamela E Crenshaw

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders; Apraxia
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Amanda L Beavers

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Apraxia; Developmental disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Janene N Besch

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Speech Sound Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Developmental disorders; Fluency
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Alison D Moulton

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children
Speech Therapy Services
Speech Sound Disorders; Oral myofunctional disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Learning disabilities; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jennifer Sweet Lawrence

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Autism; Learning disabilities; Childhood Language Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Joelle H Dolas

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy; Oral myofunctional disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jennifer Marie Branchini

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults; Seniors (65 to 74 Years Old); Seniors (75+ Years Old)
Speech Therapy Services
Cleft palate; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Learning disabilities
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Courtney Danielle Overton

Ages Supported
School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Speech Sound Disorders; Oral myofunctional disorders; Literacy; Learning disabilities
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jessica N Schmidt

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders; Telehealth
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Erin K Hyer

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Autism; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Learning disabilities; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Susan Gray

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Cognitive-Communication Disorders; Learning disabilities; Childhood Language Disorders; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Diane M Taylor

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Literacy; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Apraxia
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Denise H Stratton

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Speech Sound Disorders; Autism; Literacy; Childhood Language Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Lisa M Higbee

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children
Speech Therapy Services
Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Voice Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Ann P Dorais

Ages Supported
Speech Therapy Services
Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Fluency; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Rebecca E Nelson

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Social Communication Disorders; Literacy; Speech Sound Disorders; Developmental disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Britta R Joslyn

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Learning disabilities; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jeanene M Johnson

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Apraxia; Social Communication Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Autism; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Elsa Cardenas-Hagan

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Bilingualism; Literacy; Learning disabilities
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Rosalyn Gillins Pryor

Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Childhood Language Disorders; Developmental disorders; Learning disabilities; Literacy; Swallowing Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Jeffrey A Marler

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Auditory evoked potential; Developmental disorders; Childhood Language Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Literacy; Learning disabilities
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Meredith F Potts

Ages Supported
Infants; Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Literacy; Swallowing Disorders; Brain Disorders; Childhood Language Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Dinah L Porchia

Ages Supported
Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers; Adults
Speech Therapy Services
Central Auditory processing disorders; Autism; Childhood Language Disorders; Speech Sound Disorders; Literacy; Social Communication Disorders
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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Karen A Miller

Ages Supported
Toddlers; Preschoolers; School-Aged Children; Teenagers
Speech Therapy Services
Bilingualism; Childhood Language Disorders; Central Auditory Processing Disorders; Learning disabilities; Literacy
Teletherapy Available
Teletherapy Not Available
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